Short Term Commodity Outlook: Aluminum & Zinc
YIZUMI Die Casting Cell Solutions for Motor housing Industry
GF Casting Solutions Partners up with Open Innovation Platform STARTUP AUTOBAHN Powered by Plug and Play
Short Term Commodity Outlook: Aluminum & Zinc
SJM Presents Itself for the First Time in Europe at EUROGUSS
Light Metal Foundry at the BMW Group Plant in Landshut Relies on Innovative Multi-Plate Mold Technology for Chassis Casting Parts
Yxlon Sets a New Benchmark in Computed Tomography
Greater Efficiency and Sustainability with the Right Release Agent
"InCeight Casting C8" Calls for Paper Submissions by May 15
European Foundries are Ending the Second of the Pandemic With Mixed Feelings
"Intelligent Die Casting Has a Key Role to Play in Improving Sustainability in Our Industry."
Leading Space Company Orders Two 3D Printers From SLM Solutions
The Excitement of the Die Casting Industry is Immense
Godfrey & Wing System to Seal Cylinder Heads in Germany
An Action-Packed Start-of-Year Event with Lucky Winners
In June 2022, the time has finally come: from 8 - 10, the Exhibition Centre Nuremberg will open its doors for EUROGUSS, which was actually already scheduled for January. This year's International Trade Fair for Die Casting Technology, Processes and Products will be held together with the Die Casting Congress exceptionally this year in summer.
The diverse supporting program reflects the most important trends and topics in the die-casting industry. The fair is the leading platform for exchanging ideas with likeminded people about technologies, processes, and material developments as well as new areas of application. The industry is looking forward to a safe, face-to-face exchange, as EUROGUSS 2020 was one of the last opportunities for a face-to-face exchange before the pandemic.
EUROGUSS will once again show the diversity of the industry. Die-casting foundries, suppliers, equipment providers and service providers will come together in four halls to present their skills. In addition to innovative diecasting products, new machinery and equipment, processes and developments in tool and mould making, there will also be accompanying technologies on show. This is polarizing: Around 60 per cent of all exhibitors come to Nuremberg from other European countries - especially from Italy, Turkey, Spain, and Austria - to set the industry's course for the future.
This year EUROGUSS is expanding its specialist program for the first time with the Buyers' Day on 9 June 2022. The Association for Supply Chain Management, Procurement and Logistics (BME e.V.) has set itself the task of giving die-casting experts the overview they need to make wise purchasing decisions. The Buyers' Day will provide a compact overview of general trends in purchasing, relevant developments in the market, their effects, and legal issues in the purchase of die-casting tools and parts. Special emphasis will also be placed on the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act or the purchase of raw materials in the future.
"In a time characterized by supply bottlenecks and the associated lack of materials and goods in die casting, risk diversification and supplier management are at the top of buyers' lists," says Dr Frithjof Kilp, Division Manager BME e.V. "Consequently, companies select their suppliers more carefully. EUROGUSS 2022 is a valuable opportunity to quickly look around the supplier landscape and find new, potential partners."
Virtual EUROGUSS Studio Edition 2022: Register Now to Be Part of the Action!
Three days of die casting mean three days of concentrated know-how for a top-class trade audience. Other important topics in the special shows and in the program are additive manufacturing processes for maximum design freedom in die-casting tools, surface technology for the finishing of castings or digitalization in manufacturing and process monitoring through to sustainable business models.
The most important customer of the die-casting industry is the automotive sector, which has not had an easy time in recent years. Nevertheless, stable exhibitor figures and a high intention to visit on the part of trade visitors, also from many other sectors, show how important personal exchange is at this professional hub. To breathe new life into the program young companies present innovations and thus round off the diverse agenda. The Talent Award will be held for the second time after 2020. The award honors the best young talents in the industry, and they can win attractive prizes.
Numerous catering and networking areas, supplemented by relaxed afterfair events on the evenings of the fair, offer additional time and space for good conversations among colleagues, friends, and new business contacts.
The hygiene concept ensures safe networking with a good feeling. True to the Exhibition Centre Nuremberg motto: "Personal networking done safely!" Good to know for media representatives: Since 4 April 2022, accreditation is possible exclusively online via the ticket shop for EUROGUSS:
About the EUROGUSS trade fair family: THE LEADING DIE CASTING SHOWS In all even years, the European die casting sector comes together at the EUROGUSS trade fair in Exhibition Centre Nuremberg in Germany. The three-day event will focus on the latest technology, processes, and products. EUROGUSS is the only event covering the entire die casting process chain, from high-tech machines to new materials and efficient services. In the die casting segment, NürnbergMesse Group is also active at CHINA DIECASTING (every year in Shanghai), ALUCAST, which takes place at different locations in India in all even years, and EUROGUSS Mexico, which will be held in Guadalajara.
All press releases, more information, photos, and videos are available from our Newsroom:
Extensive Display and Supporting Program in Four Exhibition Halls
VDD and NürnbergMesse Extend Contract for EUROGUSS
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