By Door County Pulse , July 1st, 2022
Bren Sibilsky’s work has been featured at New York’s Salmagundi Club during an annual exhibition of women’s art curated by the Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club (CLWAC), a national organization that has promoted the work of professional women artists for the past 125 years.
Sibilsky’s entry, “Determined Partners,” received the Charlotte Dunwiddie Memorial Award for a Traditional Sculpture. All award winners receive a portion of the $18,000 in prize money.
Sibilsky has shown her artwork five times at the Salmagundi Club, and this marks her third showing at a CLWAC event.
She also recently completed two lost wax bronze-casting classes and is planning for two full-week classes in June 2023 at the Algoma Atelier of Sculpture & Art with instructors Ken and Mary Davidson.
Sibilsky is an international, full-time sculptor and painter whose work resides in many collections throughout North America and Europe. Learn more about her work and classes at
Sibilsky Recognized Internationally in New York
Sibilsky’s Mustang Sculpture on Display in New York
Sibilsky’s Work in Prestigious Salmagundi Club Exhibition
34th Juried Annual Exhibition Continues at Miller Art Museum Critique held Oct. 8 and award recipients announced
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